it seems to me that if printers are going to be susceptible to malware now then eventually everything we put technology into will be - including the crapper.
Friday, December 30, 2011
malware's progression
it seems to me that if printers are going to be susceptible to malware now then eventually everything we put technology into will be - including the crapper.
bouncer (of junk mail)
just a simple shirt design i thought might be fitting for those in infosec who fancy themselves tough guys/gals.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
yoda's password
some more merch from the secmeme store. this one was intended to look like a post-it note with a username and password on it. you know, the kind that gets stuck to monitors and other places. as such i didn't do any clothes with this one (though i suppose i could if people want me to) because people generally don't stick post-it notes to their clothes.
now there are at least 3 ways of looking at this. first, we generally do really judge passwords by their size, and that combined with the fact that there is upper and lower case letters with a number (S1ze has a 1 in it) and a symbol might make one believe that this is a pretty strong password (the password force is strong with yoda). password strength meters would certainly say that this is a good, strong password. however, because the password is composed of dictionary words, there's actually a lot less entropy here than you might realize. but the biggest and most obvious problem, of course, is that writing it down on a post-it that you stick to your monitor invalidates any security it might have.
now there are at least 3 ways of looking at this. first, we generally do really judge passwords by their size, and that combined with the fact that there is upper and lower case letters with a number (S1ze has a 1 in it) and a symbol might make one believe that this is a pretty strong password (the password force is strong with yoda). password strength meters would certainly say that this is a good, strong password. however, because the password is composed of dictionary words, there's actually a lot less entropy here than you might realize. but the biggest and most obvious problem, of course, is that writing it down on a post-it that you stick to your monitor invalidates any security it might have.
from here (thanks to @mikko for bringing the incident to my attention)
you might question the authenticity of the image, you may argue it looks faked, that no one would be so foolish, but i grabbed this screenshot from the following video that i found on this swedish news site
according to the news site there are humourous acronyms beyond what you can easily make out in the picture(s)/video.
PWN3D (the 3 looks more like a backwards E to my eye)
URANOOB (the first i can't make out, even in the picture @mikko tweeted)
*update: thanks to @Rob_OEM for pointing me towards the following image of an equivalent eyechart
*update: just to clear up any confusion, as @mikko rightly points out, the original gaffe was made by a norwegian news channel. the site i linked to above is a swedish site that was simply reporting on the gaffe. and thus ends (i hope) one of the longest secmeme posts ever.
you might question the authenticity of the image, you may argue it looks faked, that no one would be so foolish, but i grabbed this screenshot from the following video that i found on this swedish news site
according to the news site there are humourous acronyms beyond what you can easily make out in the picture(s)/video.
PWN3D (the 3 looks more like a backwards E to my eye)
URANOOB (the first i can't make out, even in the picture @mikko tweeted)
*update: thanks to @Rob_OEM for pointing me towards the following image of an equivalent eyechart
*update: just to clear up any confusion, as @mikko rightly points out, the original gaffe was made by a norwegian news channel. the site i linked to above is a swedish site that was simply reporting on the gaffe. and thus ends (i hope) one of the longest secmeme posts ever.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
yes i can hear you
inspired by a loud talker on a bus, i figure there are a number of ways of getting the message across that "you shouldn't be doing that here!" - from apparel for you or your dog, to accessories, to even some stationary. whipping out a journal with this on the cover and starting to write things down would probably freak some people out. the items can be found here.
secmeme's got merch
never let it be said that i'm afraid to try new things. some time ago i started fiddling around with cafepress and i started to make some designs. first for shirts but then some other things too. what you see above is my first attempt. i put it on a bunch of clothes that you can check out and even buy here.
it occurs to me that shirts and other merchandise is actually a pretty good medium for catchphrase-type memes since it just takes one person to wear it and lots of people s/he encounter will be exposed to the phrase/meme.
there's no logo or anything pointing back to, mind you. i suppose i could have done something like that but i'm not trying to advertise the site.
furthermore, i've tried to make sure the mark-up is $0.00. that means i get no money from the sale of these items unless i missed something somewhere, and i might because $0 is not a default cafepress seems to endorse. i'm not looking to turn a profit (or even pay for the secmeme domain registration). what i want is for the items to be seen, and every extra penny someone has to pay is an extra reason not to buy and use the item and that's contrary to the whole exercise. no point in letting greed erect barriers to success.
it occurs to me that shirts and other merchandise is actually a pretty good medium for catchphrase-type memes since it just takes one person to wear it and lots of people s/he encounter will be exposed to the phrase/meme.
there's no logo or anything pointing back to, mind you. i suppose i could have done something like that but i'm not trying to advertise the site.
furthermore, i've tried to make sure the mark-up is $0.00. that means i get no money from the sale of these items unless i missed something somewhere, and i might because $0 is not a default cafepress seems to endorse. i'm not looking to turn a profit (or even pay for the secmeme domain registration). what i want is for the items to be seen, and every extra penny someone has to pay is an extra reason not to buy and use the item and that's contrary to the whole exercise. no point in letting greed erect barriers to success.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
anonymous denial
from here
the very idea that anonymous could know that someone claiming to be anonymous wasn't in fact anonymous implies a centralized structure to anonymous. someone somewhere would have to know who is part of the group in order to make claims about who isn't. since anonymous has claimed that's not the case for some years now, the person making this denial doesn't actually understand anonymous' structure as defined by anonymous.
then again, i suppose agnosis (no knowledge) and anonymous (no name) have a tendency to go hand in hand..
the very idea that anonymous could know that someone claiming to be anonymous wasn't in fact anonymous implies a centralized structure to anonymous. someone somewhere would have to know who is part of the group in order to make claims about who isn't. since anonymous has claimed that's not the case for some years now, the person making this denial doesn't actually understand anonymous' structure as defined by anonymous.
then again, i suppose agnosis (no knowledge) and anonymous (no name) have a tendency to go hand in hand..
anonymous causality?
from here
better late than never. today i've been inspired by a rather bizarre claim by anonymous that they didn't crack stratfor
better late than never. today i've been inspired by a rather bizarre claim by anonymous that they didn't crack stratfor
Monday, December 26, 2011
facebook membership award
from here
just in case you couldn't tell that the idea of facebook giving away 1.5 million dollars was a scam, they threw in a country that is, shall we say, renowned for a lack authenticity.
just in case you couldn't tell that the idea of facebook giving away 1.5 million dollars was a scam, they threw in a country that is, shall we say, renowned for a lack authenticity.
leave virustotal alone
from here (image source)
i couldn't make up my mind whether to plead virustotal's case using Y U NO guy or chris crocker, so i did both.
i couldn't make up my mind whether to plead virustotal's case using Y U NO guy or chris crocker, so i did both.
Friday, December 23, 2011
grandma got indefinitely detained
i knew the moment i saw this guy that i've posted a TSA-related video with him before (here) but i just couldn't resist another one, especially with a christmas theme.
in case you're wondering why this might be topical, the devil's in the details. it's not just detainment, it's indefinite detainment. it's a reference to the NDAA bill whereby the "homeland" is supposedly classified as part of the battlefield and US citizens may be subject to indefinite military detainment without trial. at least that's the fear, and that kind of blatantly unchecked power would certainly put fear into me.
the TSA is the perfect foil to raise awareness about this with, since their particular brand of security theatre of the absurd is the one that's most familiar to average folks.
the war on icing
from here (story here)
i originally had some other posts lined up for the last day before christmas, but since christmas is such a big travel season and since some things that highlight airport authority run amok caught my eye, i thought i'd post those instead.
and as far as this story goes, i'd like to show them a "gel" (SNL-style). maybe even rub their noses in it a little.
i originally had some other posts lined up for the last day before christmas, but since christmas is such a big travel season and since some things that highlight airport authority run amok caught my eye, i thought i'd post those instead.
and as far as this story goes, i'd like to show them a "gel" (SNL-style). maybe even rub their noses in it a little.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
PayPal not EmailPal
from here (image source)
they may call themselves my 'pal', but they sure don't do me any favours when it comes to keeping my paypal email a secret. a secret, single-use email address can be very useful for foiling phishing attempts, and boy do paypal users need protection from phishing.
they may call themselves my 'pal', but they sure don't do me any favours when it comes to keeping my paypal email a secret. a secret, single-use email address can be very useful for foiling phishing attempts, and boy do paypal users need protection from phishing.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
twist and shout
a little over a week ago i made a post about santa's list getting leaked. turns out one of the videos i used was made by an organization that is no stranger to security - in fact, that was just one of a number of security related videos they've made. here's another taste.
great to see other people being successful at using humour to help raise security awareness. they've got a better selection of videos on their vimeo page, but unfortunately i can't embed those - which is a shame, really, because the videos can definitely serve as good advertising for them.
great to see other people being successful at using humour to help raise security awareness. they've got a better selection of videos on their vimeo page, but unfortunately i can't embed those - which is a shame, really, because the videos can definitely serve as good advertising for them.
where reading URLs as a security measure went to die
from here (image source)
one of the big challenges for mobile security is that mobile devices aren't big.
one of the big challenges for mobile security is that mobile devices aren't big.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
i hackd ur gps
from here (image source)
i don't know if authentication was part of the GPS design, but for applications like autonomous military navigation it really needed to be.
i don't know if authentication was part of the GPS design, but for applications like autonomous military navigation it really needed to be.
never bring a taser to a lightsaber fight
from here (story of ridiculous police tom-foolery here)
it's not like the lightsaber was real or anything. it's about the same league as an empty gift wrap tube, but apparently that's all it takes to foil high tech police ordinance. come to think of it, i wonder what foil would do.
it's not like the lightsaber was real or anything. it's about the same league as an empty gift wrap tube, but apparently that's all it takes to foil high tech police ordinance. come to think of it, i wonder what foil would do.
Monday, December 19, 2011
at least someone gets it
found on failbook
this is probably not the kind of transparency facebook wants with their privacy initiative.
this is probably not the kind of transparency facebook wants with their privacy initiative.
safety haz a flavr
from here (image source, logo source)
inspired by the tale of the department of homeland security snowcone machine that schneier posted about
inspired by the tale of the department of homeland security snowcone machine that schneier posted about
Friday, December 16, 2011
biometric security
found on wikimedia commons
believe it or not, any security a system like this might have would come from that little uniformed guy in the lower corner making sure you aren't trying to fool the system. makes you wonder if all the R&D that goes into biometrics is worth it, doesn't it.
believe it or not, any security a system like this might have would come from that little uniformed guy in the lower corner making sure you aren't trying to fool the system. makes you wonder if all the R&D that goes into biometrics is worth it, doesn't it.
think before you click
from here (image source one, two, three, and do you really wanna know?)
not trying to say you need to be smart, only that you need to be thoughtful and take care in what you do.
not trying to say you need to be smart, only that you need to be thoughtful and take care in what you do.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
cyberwarfare: fantasy vs reality
from here (source for top image)
that's right, boys and girls. the practice of cyberwarfare is the creation and use of software. not nearly as sexy as the media makes it out to be, is it?
that's right, boys and girls. the practice of cyberwarfare is the creation and use of software. not nearly as sexy as the media makes it out to be, is it?
the ascent of passwords
from here (image source)
i am so tired of security experts telling people how to do passwords like a monkey.
i am so tired of security experts telling people how to do passwords like a monkey.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
GIMP Y U NO whitelist friendly
from here
try it yourself. run GIMP, where seemingly every function is encapsulated in it's own separate executable, in a whitelist controlled environment and have fun clicking on whitelist prompts ad infinitum.
try it yourself. run GIMP, where seemingly every function is encapsulated in it's own separate executable, in a whitelist controlled environment and have fun clicking on whitelist prompts ad infinitum.
quick, call google's chris dibona
from here (image source)
i'm not going to say that chris dibona was uttering weasel-words and trying to twist the truth when he referenced a small part of the malware problem (viruses) to bolster his accusation that AV vendors who made android versions were charlatans; mainly because hanlon's razor suggests not ascribing to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. but i will say i'm having a hard time believing he's actually that dumb, considering android malware is not a new phenomenon.
i'm not going to say that chris dibona was uttering weasel-words and trying to twist the truth when he referenced a small part of the malware problem (viruses) to bolster his accusation that AV vendors who made android versions were charlatans; mainly because hanlon's razor suggests not ascribing to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. but i will say i'm having a hard time believing he's actually that dumb, considering android malware is not a new phenomenon.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
infosec naughty list
speaking of the naughty list, it seems someone's taken the effort to compile a list of bad actors in the infosec community
the infosec naughty list is actually quite a bit longer than what's pictured above, and it happens to include explanations of why people (or entire industries) are on the list.
and despite a previous remark i may have made about infosec and AV, i don't necessarily disagree with what the list has to say there, although the brush they're using might be a little too broad - those who don't sell snake oil and spread FUD generally don't get much attention so you've probably never heard of them.
the infosec naughty list is actually quite a bit longer than what's pictured above, and it happens to include explanations of why people (or entire industries) are on the list.
and despite a previous remark i may have made about infosec and AV, i don't necessarily disagree with what the list has to say there, although the brush they're using might be a little too broad - those who don't sell snake oil and spread FUD generally don't get much attention so you've probably never heard of them.
the naughty list got leaked
so it seems that santa's list has been leaked this year
that's really unfortunate, but apparently something similar happened last year too
y'know, if santa's workshop isn't more careful the public is going to lose faith in santa. just look at what happened to sony after they were repeatedly breached. they.... oh, wait, right, they went back to business as usual. never mind then.
i wonder, though, considering the repeated failure to keep such highly sensitive, personal information secure, and also the increasing commercialization of the holiday season, will we be seeing calls to occupy the north pole before too long? i'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that probably wouldn't be such a good idea.
(image source)
that's really unfortunate, but apparently something similar happened last year too
y'know, if santa's workshop isn't more careful the public is going to lose faith in santa. just look at what happened to sony after they were repeatedly breached. they.... oh, wait, right, they went back to business as usual. never mind then.
i wonder, though, considering the repeated failure to keep such highly sensitive, personal information secure, and also the increasing commercialization of the holiday season, will we be seeing calls to occupy the north pole before too long? i'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that probably wouldn't be such a good idea.
(image source)
Monday, December 12, 2011
i found this meme in someone else's collection this time. meme collection, that is, not the other thing.
i don't always ignore infosec professionals...
from here
there's only so much "AV marketing lied to me! there needs to be something that does what they promised!" that i can take before i tune that nonsense out.
there's only so much "AV marketing lied to me! there needs to be something that does what they promised!" that i can take before i tune that nonsense out.
Friday, December 9, 2011
nothing says stealthy data extrusion like...
from here (source image found here)
i dunno, maybe i could have also made a joke about the insider threat here (since it clearly goes inside him)
i dunno, maybe i could have also made a joke about the insider threat here (since it clearly goes inside him)
a pen-tester's story
thanks to @mikko and @candolin2 for tweeting this
wonderfully told story, and i have to admit i might well have taken the same opportunity had i been in his place
Thursday, December 8, 2011
malware on 2 out of 3 lost USB drives?
from here
the folks at sophos have the details, but that statistic alone should be enough to warn you away from picking up errant USB drives. leave it be, you don't know where it's been.
the folks at sophos have the details, but that statistic alone should be enough to warn you away from picking up errant USB drives. leave it be, you don't know where it's been.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
another damn 0day breach enabler
it's that time again. there's another adobe exploit. another patch to apply. another reason to dump adobe entirely and use something else. think about it.
hey cnet, i fixed it for you
from here
because apparently the folks at cnet don't see a problem bundling crapware with the software you're downloading from yeah, what could possibly go wrong? (see brian krebs' write-up)
because apparently the folks at cnet don't see a problem bundling crapware with the software you're downloading from yeah, what could possibly go wrong? (see brian krebs' write-up)
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
you shall not pass
from here
if your firewall isn't set up this way (denying all except the fewest trusted exceptions possible) then you might wanna change that.
if your firewall isn't set up this way (denying all except the fewest trusted exceptions possible) then you might wanna change that.
con + dum: together at last
from here
inspired by a story of advertisers (and i use that term loosely) who decided it would be a good idea to send friend request spam posing as the unborn children of their target audience in order to advertise condoms. the mashable story is also where the source image for this picture comes from.
inspired by a story of advertisers (and i use that term loosely) who decided it would be a good idea to send friend request spam posing as the unborn children of their target audience in order to advertise condoms. the mashable story is also where the source image for this picture comes from.
Monday, December 5, 2011
he sees you when you're doing what now?
this is actual merchandise from someone's zazzle store that i found with google
i never really realized but this whole "he sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake" business is actually really creepy from a privacy standpoint.
i never really realized but this whole "he sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake" business is actually really creepy from a privacy standpoint.
conficker: what do you see?
apparently john bumgarner thinks conficker was the work of the stuxnet gang. others seem to think he's full of hot air. my suspicion is this is a case of the human brain seeing patterns even when none are there.
Friday, December 2, 2011
i can haz over reakshun?
from here (ridiculous story with video)
honestly, there are legitimate corrective measures that address threats to people's safety and security, and then there's batshit crazy overkill. increasingly, cops seem to be taking the overkill route. lucky thing the kid didn't get tazed or pepper sprayed.
honestly, there are legitimate corrective measures that address threats to people's safety and security, and then there's batshit crazy overkill. increasingly, cops seem to be taking the overkill route. lucky thing the kid didn't get tazed or pepper sprayed.
what's it like to be a money mule?
what's it like to be a money mule? i imagine the added fiber makes them quite regular, but the inevitable paper cuts must be awful.
see also: filthy lucre.
(inspiration - thanks for putting that question in my head, dancho)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
anti-virus: if you need it there...
from here (image found on esarcasm)
sometimes security controls work via the concept of deterrence. i'm sure she's a great gal, but that symbol in that location would definitely give me pause.
(and starting off december with two panty posts is certain to put me on the wrong one of santa's lists)
sometimes security controls work via the concept of deterrence. i'm sure she's a great gal, but that symbol in that location would definitely give me pause.
(and starting off december with two panty posts is certain to put me on the wrong one of santa's lists)
password protected panties
from here (image found on esarcasm)
i'm fairly certain this security will yield quite easily to brute force or even side channel attacks. an insider attack (where you have an accomplice on the inside willing to help you) would still be the ideal, however.
i'm fairly certain this security will yield quite easily to brute force or even side channel attacks. an insider attack (where you have an accomplice on the inside willing to help you) would still be the ideal, however.
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